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PCMag:The Best (and Wackiest) Smart Home Tech of CES 2023

Oct 26,2023 | Angela Moscaritolo 

By Angela Moscaritolo 

(Credit: Bob Al-Greene)

LAS VEGAS—The CES 2023 show floor was teeming with devices to help you have a more connected and automated home in the new year. 

From a flashy refrigerator with color-changing LED light panels and an integrated speaker to a baby monitor that can alert you when your bundle of joy has soiled their diaper, we saw some impressive and wacky smart home innovations at the show this year. If you couldn't make it to Las Vegas, no sweat—we've gathered the greatest in smart home gadgetry for you.

In no particular order, these are the most compelling smart home products we saw at the show this year. Most of them aren't available yet (and some may never be), but even prototypes offer a peek at a more connected and convenient future home. 

Enabot EBO X

(Credit: Angela Moscaritolo)

The Enabot EBO X is an adorable robotic family companion that can help you stay connected and safe. Featuring a 4K stabilized camera and two-way audio, it lets you monitor your home, room by room, and check on your loved ones from your phone when you're not there. Using computer vision, it can identify faces and remind individual family members when it's time to take their medicine. It can send you an alert if your baby is crying, when someone enters a restricted area of your home, and notify your loved ones if it detects you've taken a fall. It can even snap photos of the family, with automatic portrait centering to ensure everyone is in the

